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Community Involvement & Mitigation

Close involvement by the public was critical in bringing the Stadium and Exhibition Center to life. The PSA maintains its commitment to work collaboratively with neighbors and community organizations to ensure that the areas and neighborhoods surrounding Lumen Field & Event Center remain clean, safe and enjoyable.

To address the impacts of the new stadium and exhibition center on the surrounding neighborhoods, The South Downtown Foundation was formed in 1999. The Foundation provided leadership, partnerships, and facilitated coordination and collaboration between the three adjoining neighborhoods.

The South Downtown Foundation supported over one hundred community projects utilizing the $6.1 million provided as part of the stadium and event center project. The projects largely focused on marketing and public safety, which were the two highest priorities for all three neighborhoods. In March 2006, The South Downtown Foundation dissolved.

Although the stadium and exhibition center have been built, new challenges and opportunities are certain to arise. The PSA, in partnership with First & Goal, continues its ongoing dialogue with the South Downtown neighborhoods through regular community meetings and ongoing mitigation program planning and reporting.

Community Partnership Forum Meetings

The Community Partnership Forum is a quarterly meeting hosted by First & Goal and the PSA. Meeting participants include representatives from the PSA, First & Goal, and the Project’s three surrounding neighborhoods: the Duwamish, the Chinatown/International District, and Pioneer Square.

The meetings are held quarterly on the third Monday of the month (or the 4th Monday if the 3rd Monday falls on a holiday) from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the PSA offices in the Stadium. For more information, please call 206-381-7940.

Community Involvement & Mitigation

Close involvement by the public was critical in bringing the Stadium and Exhibition Center to life. The PSA maintains its commitment to work collaboratively with neighbors and community organizations to ensure that the areas and neighborhoods surrounding Lumen Field & Event Center remain clean, safe and enjoyable.

To address the impacts of the new stadium and exhibition center on the surrounding neighborhoods, The South Downtown Foundation was formed in 1999. The Foundation provided leadership, partnerships, and facilitated coordination and collaboration between the three adjoining neighborhoods.

The South Downtown Foundation supported over one hundred community projects utilizing the $6.1 million provided as part of the stadium and event center project. The projects largely focused on marketing and public safety, which were the two highest priorities for all three neighborhoods. In March 2006, The South Downtown Foundation dissolved.

Although the stadium and exhibition center have been built, new challenges and opportunities are certain to arise. The PSA, in partnership with First & Goal, continues its ongoing dialogue with the South Downtown neighborhoods through regular community meetings and ongoing mitigation program planning and reporting.

Community Partnership Forum Meetings

The Community Partnership Forum is a quarterly meeting hosted by First & Goal and the PSA. Meeting participants include representatives from the PSA, First & Goal, and the Project’s three surrounding neighborhoods: the Duwamish, the Chinatown/International District, and Pioneer Square.

The meetings are held quarterly on the third Monday of the month (or the 4th Monday if the 3rd Monday falls on a holiday) from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the PSA offices in the Stadium. For more information, please call 206-381-7940.